(in prog, just thinking ab this for now)
- Every day, shares for a new token are sold
- the NFTs are 1155s
- New shares are minted at a flat rate, eg 0.01 ETH. No cap on shares per NFT
- The NFT starts with a basic, semi-interesting on-chain appearance (could even change over time for diff seasons)
- Could do proc-gened names or other interesting content
- After the 24hr window, the engine can be changed via on-chain governance
- if you own a share, you can propose a new engine
- token-weighted voting, quorum? optimistic gov?
- Proceeds from all sales go into an on-chain treasury
- On-chain gov for holders across all tokens can vote how to use treasury
- Team retains a fee
- Either a % of revenue from sales, or X% of total outstanding supplied issued every 10 tokens or something